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The Royal Oak
(Traditional, additional lyrics by the Bilge Pumps)

As we were sailing all on the salt seas
We hadn't sailed months past but two or three
Not before we saw ten sail of Turks
All men-o'-war full as big as we

"Pull down your colours, you English dogs!
Pull down your colours, do not refuse.
Pull down your colours, you English dogs
Or your precious lives you will lose!"

Our captain being a valiant man
And a well-bespoken young man were he
"Oh, it never shall be said that we died like dogs
But we will fight them most manfully!"

"Go up, you lofty cabin boys
And mount the mainmast topsail high
For to spread abroad to King George's fleet
That we'll run the risk or else we'll die!"

Let fly our colours, you English tars!
Let fly our our colours, do not refuse
Let fly our our colours, you English tars
For this desperate fight, we do choose!

The fight begun 'bout six in the morn
And on to the setting of the sun
Oh, and at the rise of the next dawn
Out of ten ships we saw but one

Oh, three we sank and three we burned
And three we caused to run away
And one we brought in to Portsmouth harbour
For to let them know we had won the day

They struck their colours, those Turkish dogs!
They struck their colours, and none refused
They struck their colours, those Turkish dogs
And the bloody sea will spread the news

If anyone then should enquire
Or want to know our captain's name
Oh, Captain Wellfounder's our chief commander
But the Royal Oak is our ship by name

Hoist up your colours, you English tars!
Hoist up your colours, do not refuse
Hoist up your colours, you English tars!
And remember those, who paid their dues

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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