Plantersville, TX     October 24 - 25, 2015

It was full-on rain, rain, and more rain (and not a little mud) as Cyclone Patricia came crashing into a cold front and made for a soggy Pirate's Adventure weekend at TRF. The totally drunk folk at the Sea Devil Tavern didn't seem to mind the rain much as there was much rum warming their veins, but the downpour prevented most people from being able to hear us beyond about 5 feet from the stage. Sunday was nicer as the rain was lightening and we were able to put on an actual show or two to the few dozen frigid patrons wandering the rain-soaked grounds of the festival. It might have put a damper on the weekend (literally), but we got more stories to tell!

The gang hides out in the pouring rain while awaiting word about the afternoon's shows.

The rain waited until the beginning of our 1st show on Saturday to really start coming down.

Not that heavy rain will stop the die-hard Sea Devil crowd.

When the Pride of Bedlam kicks off their show, the booze-filled veins of the audience feel no cold.

The water collects on the TRF grounds in the place of the people that are usually there.

Some of it collects in the steel drum as well. This is after about 5 minutes in the rain.

When the pirate rap breaks out on "Shiver My Timbers", it's the wettest rap since R Kelly's.

Jack the Rum Runner refuses to let rain stop him from playing guitar and breaks out his 12-string.

On Sunday, there was 5/6 of the amount of Bilge Pumps, 1/4 of the amount of rain, and 1/16 of the amount of patrons.


Fanny the Flagmaker busts out a selfie with the band

The Bilge Pumps snag errant members of the Pride of Beldam and force them to rhyme some cities on "Donkey Riding".

The Black Ball Line
Steel drum in the pouring rain. Look at the amount of water poured out of it after 10 minutes in the open.
Uploaded: Nov 19 2015     720 X 400    03:30 min.   

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| Pirates on the Prairie IV | Mardi Gras Galveston | Medieval Fair of Norman | Benefit Concert |
| Railean Rum Distillery | TMCA Spring Fling | Piratepalooza 2015 | Railean Rum Distillery |
| Texarkana Ren Faire | Texas Ren Festival | Louisiana Ren Fest | Dickens on the Strand |
| GP Farmers Market |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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