Hammond, LA     November 4 - December 10, 2000

The Bilge Pumps rolled through the stormy weather over the gator infested swamps in cajun country to entertain the fun-loving souls of the LA Ren Fest. Many jugs of ale and fried gator tails later, we're still alive to tell about it. We had a blast playing and singing to both the patrons and participants of the festival. They must have had a good time as well, as we were voted Best Musical Act of the festival!

The Bilge Pumps are in southern Louisiana and are hopped up on cayenne pepper. You know that means they're dancing.

Squint stops Kailyn from uttering one of those f@*%ing dirty words on the "Clean Song".

Squeegy tunes up his 12-string on the first day of the faire. Maybe it's a Flock of Seagulls tune to match his new haircut.

One thing was assured during the first few weekends of the festival, when The Bilge Pumps hit the stage, dark clouds would be coming up fast to rain on their show.

However, when it's raining outside, we have the good sense enough to get inside and do a show in the pub.

The good news is, when it's raining outside, the crowd is trapped in the pub with you and forced to hear you rattle on about them buying CD's from you.

Another good thing about the pub is you get to hear Christophe the Insulter go after everyone. 'Course that turns into a drawback when he's hired to go after you like what happens to us.

Sometimes, at the end of the day, we would grab a small stage near the gate and serenade the folks on their way home.

Maroon and Kailyn weep like little girls while singing about the recently deceased in "Isn't It Grand?".

Either Maroon's dancing like Tina Turner again, or he's about to give Squeegy a stinky lil' present.

A bonus about us going to Louisiana is we were reunited with our Pirate Queen, Megan.

Sometimes, she would even get up on stage and sing "Johnny Jump Up" with us.

See? We told you Squint looks like Blind Pew from "Muppet Treasure Island"!

Squeegy braves the smell and the possibility of a Sasquatch attack when he leaps over the great trash pit to go exploring.

And here's Laurel, the nice woman who takes all these pictures of us.

Walking through the woods, you hear eerie, haunting music coming from ahead. You creep onward drawn by the music that's irresistible, yet repulsive. You peer through the branches ahead and see... Whew! Now that's scary!

Maroon and Natty stop for a quick pose between shows. Aren't they just the cutest couple? Makes you want to shoot 'em.

Gee, you can't tell pirates have dirty minds, can ya?

If you really want to see up E's nose, get a front row seat at the pub shows.

Phil McGroin & Kailyn Dammit give themselves hernias trying to punch that high note.

It's the first weekend and we're already so out of jokes, we're forced to wear silly hats to get a cheap laugh. Hey, whatever works. har har.

Our thanks go to Laurel Bryant for the picture donations.

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or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2000!!

| Mardi Gras Galveston | Celtic Quill Pub | University of Oklahoma Medieval Fair | Pig & Whistle Pub |
| Oklahoma Renaissance Faire | "HMS" Rose | Shakespeare in the Park | Tipperary Inn |
| Hawkwood Medieval Fantasy Faire | Seabrook Music Festival | King Arthur Faire | Louisiana Renaissance Festival |
| Dickens on the Strand |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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