Stroud, OK     October 13 - 22, 2000

Even Merlyn couldn't quite believe what he saw when us pirates came storming into the land of Camelot for some rain-drenched fun. King Arthur was still a lil' tyke, so we gave him some rum & gunpowder to stunt his growth and sung to the loyal fans who stayed to watch.

Squeegy, Squint, and the visiting Crash of the Titans strike the Charlies Angels pose on the canceled rain day.

Squint tries to look all suave and stuff, but we think he looks like Blind Pew from Muppet Treasure Island.

Natty Nell has navigated us directly to nap time, it appears.

Those late nights are really starting to work on everyone. Squeegy and Squint tended to sleep any chance they got.

Phil can't look while everyone does their impersonation of him on "The Sailor's Prayer".

Maroon and Kailyn don't appear to have the coordinations necessary to handle paddleballs.

Everyone gets jiggy wid' it as they do their Tina Turner impersonations on "Roll the Woodpile Down".

Lorna can only look on in fear and revulsion as Phil struts around in his new big boy's pants.

Maroon and E show Squeegy and Squint how a true cabin boy earns his keep.

Kailyn's formal cast training comes back to the surface as he volunteers for soggy court dancing.

See what happens when you strike poses? Your mama always told ya you'd get petrified like that!

It's raining outside, but that doesn't stop pirates! Notice, though, how Squeegy protects his guitar strings from the rain.

That's a whole lot of ugly dancing going on at once on that stage. Small wonder it kept collapsing.

Squeegy gets knocked into the soft fairy bed during "Johnny Jump Up". Little did he know it was going be soaking wet and freezing cold. heh heh.

Oh yeah. Squint's the King of Dance all right.

You might say The Bilge Pumps were a little hard on that pallet stage. All the jumping around created a few cracks.

Phil does his infamous Pikachu impersonation at the end of "Old Dun Cow". That's gonna get him in trouble!

That's right, Pikachu has grabbed the captain's hat and become Piratechu! Now he scolds Phil for infringing on his copyrights!

Phil and Piratechu resolve their copyright dispute and make up. That means Phil's going for some pokemon love!

After a rousing dance with Phil, Piratechu decides he's gonna pass out for a while.

It's a rain-shortened day, so the Bilge Pumps decided to do a show in the land of the fairies. That means we gotta beat the crap out of each other.

Our thanks go to Laurel Bryant, Donna Fagans, and Lorna Fairchild for their picture donations.

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| Mardi Gras Galveston | Celtic Quill Pub | University of Oklahoma Medieval Fair | Pig & Whistle Pub |
| Oklahoma Renaissance Faire | "HMS" Rose | Shakespeare in the Park | Tipperary Inn |
| Hawkwood Medieval Fantasy Faire | Seabrook Music Festival | King Arthur Faire | Louisiana Renaissance Festival |
| Dickens on the Strand |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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