Fort Worth, TX     April 16, April 30, & May 11, 2000

Taking its place as one of our favorite piratical hangouts, the Pig and Whistle is always full of smiling faces. All right, maybe not full, but it does have some smiling faces. All right, maybe not smiling exactly, but what do you expect when a bunch of pirates are holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to listen to their music?

April Tornado Damage Show

Kailyn and E aren't fooling anyone with this innocent choir boy look.

I once saw a dingdooram this big!

Hmmm. Is it just me or does Maroon have demon eyes?

Here's the part of the show where the Bilge Pumps try their damndest to look like they know what they're doing!

Performance after the Celtic Heritage Festival Benefit

Squint stole Phil McGroin's pirate skull maracas. I think they look a lot like him, don't you?

Maroon and Crack turn a plain ordinary pirate show into a beach surfing movie.

Kailyn sucks his thumb as E comforts him while acting out "Itches in Me Britches".

"Hey Squeegy! What do you do with a drunken sailor?"

Maroon and Crack get down and dirty singing those backup vocals to "Johnny Jump Up".

Aww, isn't that sweet how they wave hello to the crowd?"

Our thanks go to Sheryl Miller for the picture donations.

Go back to Past Landings page

or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2000!!

| Mardi Gras Galveston | Celtic Quill Pub | University of Oklahoma Medieval Fair | Pig & Whistle Pub |
| Oklahoma Renaissance Faire | "HMS" Rose | Shakespeare in the Park | Tipperary Inn |
| Hawkwood Medieval Fantasy Faire | Seabrook Music Festival | King Arthur Faire | Louisiana Renaissance Festival |
| Dickens on the Strand |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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