Norman, OK     April 5 - 7, 2013

The Bilge Pumps rolled back into Sooner country for our 13th year at the Norman Medieval Fair with a new album in hand and all sorts of piratey goodness ready to spread all over the unsuspecting park dwellers. We celebrated our new album by throwing a Toga Party on our Saturday afternoon show in an attempt to make everyone "think Greek" and brought out our new wireless mic system to play as well. With the help of a game and willing sound guy, a new mic system, and some new songs, we sounded better than ever at the fair... though, to be honest, we didn't set the bar real high earlier. We had a good time catching up with our Okie fans and friends, goofing around with our buddies Tullamore, and knocking out shows like baby seals. That's still legal, right?

The Bilge Pumps arrive at the Medieval Fair and proceed to test out their new headset mics on the test audience.

Even Sharkbait Simon's guitar gets involved the whole wireless craze.

John Crow the Cook's coat billows out in a suspicious manner.

The band gathers the small children up on stage to teach them the finer points of robbing on the high seas

Natty the Navigator and Maroon the Shantyman take a moment to assess the falconry crowd before deciding to pounce.

John Crow looks to snatch Harvey the Corpsman's tambourine during "Beggarman"

Splice the Rigger and a pirate music afficionado do a small costume swap during "The Black Ball Line"

Crow, Harvey, and Sharkbait show how tight they can clinch up during the intro to "Johnny Jump Up".

then Splice shows how loose he can get once the song begins.

Splice and Sharkbait wait around for the Costume Contest to end so the Bilge Pumps Toga Show can begin

Then we start our own contest by having a best and worst toga competition!

The band celebrates their new album, "The Idiodyssey" by playing a new song from it, while in full toga gear.

John Crow goes all nutso when the front row threatens to look up his toga.

He then proceeds to pull another bell out of his nether regions, much to Splice's delight.

The audience peers closely at Crow, waiting to see where the next dingaling will sprout from on his person.

Go back to Past Landings page

or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2013!!

| Mardi Gras Galveston | CD Release Party @ the Ritz | Medieval Fair of Norman | Scarborough Ren Fest |
| Texas Pirate Festival | Changing Winds Benefit Concert | Pirate Night at QuikTrip Park | Highlands and Islands Concert |
| Louisiana Ren Fest | Dickens on the Strand | Lost Toys in Candy Land |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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