Waxahachie, TX     May 18 - 19, 2013

The Bilge Pumps sailed into Scarborough and brought with them the hottest weekend of the festival... so, basically, the great coats stayed on the ship. We perfomed 4 shows per day on the Peg Leg Stage (aka the big-ass ship) and proceeded to lighten the loads on everyone's minds and wallets. We also crashed not one, but two different pub sings over the weekend and got to debut our new dirgy version of "The Mermaid" to the audience that was previously all in love with the happy version. We had a great time reconnecting with fans and friends from all around the area... whether or not they wanted to.

Harvey the Corpsman warms up the Scarborough audience with his patented (stolen) bad pirate jokes.

While the rest of the band just watches the world's first pirate train wreck.

The band grabs some available booty during "Pirating the Seas".

John Crow the Cook breaks out his pocket ringer during "Strike the Bell".

And Splice the Rigger promptly takes it away from him.

Harvey checks to make sure there aren't any other strange ringing objects hidden from view

Does Maroon the Shantyman look inordinately pleased with himself to you?

Harvey breaks out the didjeridu to play during "South Australia".

Sharkbait Simon the Scapegoat gets all relaxed-like singing lead on the band's version of "The Mermaid", debuting to the crowd that so loves the other version.

Harvey has gathered up quite the troop to dance the "Sailor's Hornpipe" with him.

Maroon and Sharkbait get all serious-like playing "Botany Bay".

Filling their quota of purty nautical songs quickly in the show, the band breaks out "Bonnie Ship the Diamond".

Um... Maroon and Harvey? There are kids in the audience, you know.

On Saturday, the band headed to the end of day pub sing at the Dirty Duck to fire off a couple of tunes and give the other bands a break.

Then on Sunday, they hit the other pub sing across the festival and join Traveller Song on stage to do "Johnny Jump Up".

Our thanks go to Della Bean, Patti Riediger, and Kathy Cotton for the pictures!

Go back to Past Landings page

or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2013!!

| Mardi Gras Galveston | CD Release Party @ the Ritz | Medieval Fair of Norman | Scarborough Ren Fest |
| Texas Pirate Festival | Changing Winds Benefit Concert | Pirate Night at QuikTrip Park | Highlands and Islands Concert |
| Louisiana Ren Fest | Dickens on the Strand | Lost Toys in Candy Land |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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