Oklahoma City, OK     November 4 - 5, 2023

Our second appearance at the OKC Ren and Scots Fest was all about upgrades. We got a new stage (an actual stage) with a tent for shade and we brought our new sound system to allow us to be heard all around the area. We even brought more band members this time around, despite the fact that Sharkbait Simon didn't make the trip. We made sure the sample every food vendor in the place, though, so some things never change.

The old "stage" is gone and a new stage with an accompanying tent has taken its place!

Our beloved Sharkbait Simon could not make the show, so we were back down to 6 members for the show.

Give us enough money and we'll put Sharkbait back on stage. Give us more and we'll keep him locked up.

Black Pearl the Cannoneer and John Crow the Cook have the port side of the stage set up for rhythm and ooze.

Ruby Pearl the Quartermaster and Fanny the Flagmaker hold down the starboard side with country and festerin'.

Maroon the Shantyman and Splice the Rigger hold down the midships with some hip and plop.

Ruby Pearl takes over for Sharkbait on guitar for a some of the songs as well.

Maroon whispers the secret of ignoring John Crow's rhythm to Black Pearl. It's more of an art than a science.

Fanny does the happy gator dance during "Rippy the Gator".

John Crow fires up a staring competition with an audience member while collecting tips.

The band tells the story of a sailor's best friend during "All For Me Grog".

Black Pearl tried to keep the audience from going to sleep with a driving beat.

Sometimes the number of stringed instruments in this band gives us that vibes like The Eagles. Or was it the Beagles?

It does tend to drive the sound techs crazy, though, like poor Ratty here.

John Crow makes an attempt to steal Splice's drink.

The band teaches everyone how to talk like a pirate during "Piratical Talk".

Go back to Past Landings page

or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2023!!

| Pirates on the Prairie X | Medieval Fair of Norman | Tall Ships Galveston | Conclave of the Kraken |
| Pirate/Viking Summer Fest | OKC Ren & Scots Fest | Dickens on the Strand | GP Farmers Market |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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