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Captain Wenceslas
(Traditional, altered lyrics by Craig Lutke)

Captain Wenceslas looked out
On the Feast of Stephen
His enemies lay strewn about
Cooking crisp and even
Brightly shone the cannon´s fire
Lighting eyes so cruel
Dead men making such a pyre
Stiffened was his tool

Then a body was standing
Though its skin was smelling
Yonder pirate, who is he?
Should be in hell dwelling
Mindless corpse, it gathers hence
Ashen like a mountain
Gurgling blood it did dispense
Like a soda fountain

Seeking flesh and seeking mine
Bringing me to dinner
Thou shall not upon me dine
Ye lipless undead grinner
Gun and cutlass out they came
Drawing both together
Made dead again by his aim
Shot right in its nethers

The captain´s night grows darker now
And smells like a fishmonger
Bodies rising all about
The enemy grows stronger
Making footsteps, disengage
Dives in ocean boldly
In the cold he feels his age
Shrinkage comes on coldly

The undead host stands all abroad
Staring at the water
Burst from ocean like a god
Captain starts a slaughter
Smiting dead and live alike
He teaches them a lesson
Never treat a captain like
A delicatessen

Now when you sail on the seas
A sound that makes you shiver
Is the Captain´s gnashing teeth
Seeking for your liver
His story is all but writ
The legend is ongoing
It seems farfetched we do admit
There´s our noses growing

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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